Monday, October 19, 2015

My First Paper

When I sat down to start writing my first, official college paper, I was confident I would breeze through the process.  I had to compare two articles that I previously read, related to education and write about them.  I decided that my main point would be to somehow associate these articles to my own experience with my son’s education.  But after hours of writing, I struggled to connect the main point into the story I had written.  It was all wrong.  I was wrong.  Up until that very moment, I thought I was a good writer!

I created a thesis statement that I couldn’t support.  For days, I tried to rewrite the paragraphs I had previously written, so they would support my main idea.  It finally occurred to me that I had to change my main idea to support the four pages I had written.  My writing wasn’t great, but once I changed my thesis statement, I was able to connect my thoughts to actually make sense.  My opinion was much more apparent and hopefully, my reader could see my point of view more clearly. 

I’m sure the next paper I write will be much easier.  However, I learned a lot by getting through this first one.  I need to be a little less attached to my first draft.  There will always be more than one rewrite.  And even the final paper could always be improved upon.

The idea of writing another paper causes me a little bit of anxiety, but I am also looking forward to become a better writer through the process.

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